• Relieve Pain, Correct Deformities and Restore Function with Foot Surgery
    Bunions, hammertoes, arthritis -- foot surgery is the final remedy many different kinds of pain in the foot and ankle. These problems of the foot can cause severe pain in Read more
  • Ingrown Toenails
    An ingrown toenail is a common and painful condition of the toes. It occurs when one or both sides of the nail break grow into the skin of the toe, Read more
  • Take Extra Care of Your Children's Feet
    During the school year, your children maintain their normal school routine with frequent activities and are constantly on the go. In order to maintain their busy schedules, it is vital Read more
  • Take a Second Look at Treatment Options For Fungal Toenails
    A fungal infection in one of your toenails can be both uncomfortable and unsightly. To fix the problem, there are both topical and oral treatments that can be used. If Read more
  • Avoid the Bunion Bump and Protect your Feet
    One of the most common foot problems we see is bunions, which also referred to as Hallux Valgus. The bunion is a prominent bump on the inside of the foot Read more
  • Don’t Let Heel Pain Keep You Down
    Is heel pain keeping you down? Pain that occurs following an injury or early in an illness may play a protective role, warning us about the damage we have suffered. So Read more
  • 3 Easy Ways to Care for Your Feet
    Your feet may be the most underapprecuated and hardest working parts of your body. During your lifetime, they endure hundreds of thousands of miles. So taking care of your feet Read more
  • Diabetics: Maintain Foot Health to Avoid Amputation
    Diabetes causes a condition of painful nerve damage called peripheral neuropathy. Neuropathy can affect your entire body, but the legs and feet are the body’s most prone areas to serious Read more
  • Proper Foot Care for Your Child
    You often worry about your children’s teeth, eyes, and other parts of their body. You teach them how to wash, brush and groom, but what do you do about your Read more
  • Remain Active in Sports
    From weekend warriors to professional athletes, it is important to take care of your feet to remain fit and active while participating in sports and other recreational activities. With the Read more
  • Common Foot and Ankle Problems Among Athletes
    Anytime a person engages in sports, they are running the risk of suffering an injury to the foot and ankle. Many of the injuries that cause foot ailments and pain Read more
  • Fitness and Your Feet
    Most people do not realize the tremendous amount of pressure that is put on their feet during exercise. During running, the 26 bones, 33 joints,112 ligaments, and network of nerves Read more
  • Custom Orthotics
    If your feet are suffering from pain or other ailments, you are in luck! Your podiatrist offers custom orthotics to help you stand, walk and run more efficiently and comfortably. Read more
  • Heel Pain and Kids
    A parent should never ignore their child’s complaints about pain in their feet. We never want our children to be in pain, and it is especially important to protect their Read more
  • How to Choose Proper Footwear
    An average day of walking results in a cumulative force equal to several hundred tons inflicted on your feet. Because of this, your feet are subject to injury more than Read more